It looks a bit like slug damage to me... How's the soil moisture? Is it well-drained? Your sage looks relatively happy otherwise. If it is...
Found this plant growing on one of the Gulf Islands when I went there this weekend. Burr-like buds, yellow flowers and spittle-like sticky...
Hello green thumbs! Have a question I'm hoping you can help with, regarding the Buxus hedge pictured below:...
I have noticed this brown 'scaly like' crust on the venation of the leaves (not all, but maybe 25% of them?). I don't think it's pests... I *did*...
I'm back again for a second time as you guys did such a good job of answering my first question. The subject? My true thai chili plants again......
Hi growest, Thank you for your reply :) The plants are currently situated on a South West facing large window. The room is often a little...
Hello everyone, It's my first time posting here, though I've scouted this site for answers to things for a while now. Pleased to meet you all!...