Hi, I germinated a pepper plant in September 2022, and have had it since them. I believe it should be bigger, but it is not. Since over a month...
Thank you. That is kind of odd... This plant, I consider, is exposed to good amounts of light. It is against a west facing window where it gets...
We have a tree we planted about 2 years ago. During certain periods of the year, its leaves start to look burnt at the edges. I always thought it...
I am still trying to figure out its scientific name... I will have to take a photo of it so you guys help me.
Thank you for the website! I asked the local botanical garden - it is Washingtonia Filifera according to them. However, the small one in the 7 and...
Yes, they are growing in Colombia, in the capital Bogota 8,360 feet above sea level. I assumed they are Filiferas due to the big trunk. Not sure...
Are these Washingtonia Filiferas? or what are they? Photos of them from 2013 until February 2022 - I named them W1,2,3, etc + the year. I will...
Thank you!! I am still very intrigued by the various patterns, some having more than others. More species within one single species or something...
I have had it since march when it had to leaves, I have seen similar plants but with more pronounced white patterns on them, this ones are kind of...
Hi I have found an insect which I suppose is feeding on this leaf and it kind of looks like an aphid but it has a black pattern on it. At the...