It's definitely a jujube tree. I have several jujube trees and it's leaf is very unique, and since you've provided pictures of the fruit I...
Hi again Chuck, I was just reviewing the pictures you posted.....duh, I didn't realize that they would enlarge if I clicked on them. I looked...
Hi Charles, Well, I can say that the pictures you showed look very much like the fire blight that has killed 3 of my pear trees. Here is the...
That's great news because it would seem that Warren is the only variety that's fire blight resistant enough to survive in my particular area!...
I've had a few pear trees die of a disease called fire blight which has symptoms that sound very much like what you're describing. The symptoms...
I planted one Warren Pear and one Moonglow Pear last year. I selected both mainly for their fire blight resistance since I'm in an area where...
I have planted two Diospyros Kaki (oriental persimmons) in our front yard. One is a Maekawa Jiro and the other is a Matsumoto Wase Fuyu to be...
I'm sorry that I didn't reply more quickly, Gail! I haven't logged onto this web site in a few weeks. I just saw your question this evening, and...
Oh my goodness :o) There it is, you're absolutely right! Mr. Texas Citrus DOES give away his source for jujube varieties, at least one of them...
Hi Jim, Thank you again for the info. I had been to the CRFG web site before, but had not seen the link for the Member Nurseries and Fruit...
I planted 3 varieties of jujube trees this last February. They were bare root, and they did fantastic, even producing a few fruit which I found...
Hi Jim, Thank you also for the info. By the way, I'm not positive that the ones I have on order are of the Fruiticosa variety. They're being...