you only need to run the water for about 5 min. you must keep track of when they are active, mine were active at 6-7 am so i would keep track of...
i live in puyallup wa. i dont have any moles now. i killed one last week i kill about 6-8 a year. i found if you kill them they dont breed or come...
yep you got it thanks
nothing is wrong with the picture, the leaves seems to glow there so bright almost ghostly in the right light. the plant was given to us about 3...
its a Geranium type of plant, the stem is about 3 feet long about an inch and a half at the base, over all the plant is about 5 1/2 feet tall the...
i guess i will have to wait for a few years then heh, lol it started from seed im not sure if its a tangerine, grapefruit or orange we brought...
thank you i bought the houseplant and garden spray at home depot it seems to have cleared up the sticky leaf, and it was little scabby bumps on...
thanks for the help i will get the oi and see what happends murf
i also have a plant and its about 2 years old with sticky leaves. the plant seems to spray the sticky stuff its on the window and i had to put...