Perhaps a Syzygium, though I don't recognize which species it is.
I think it is Kleinia neriifolia
Well, according to the entry on Agroforestree database of World Agroforestry Centre, it should flower when it is four or five years old. I don't...
I think it is a Cussonia. Maybe C. spicata?
Alas, all I could recognize about the first plant is that it most likely belongs to Fabaceae. Second plant seems to be Maerua arenaria. Third...
Third seems to be Nyctanthes arbor-tristis. Fourth might be Cordia subcordata.
Ipomoea arborescens or I. pauciflora?
Maybe Allophylus cobbe?
Frst one seems to be a Fouquieria, probably Fouquieria splendens. Fourth one is Bucida buceras.
I also agree that second plant is a Cryptostegia, perhaps C. madagascariensis. Third plant seems to be Moringa oleifera.
The plant reminds me of Piper spp.
Hello, This morning, I was asked to identify this plant bought from a flower market as a cut foliage. At first glance, I suspected it to be...