Hi, just thought I would submit a couple rose pictures, a couple favorites. The yellow rose is called Goldilocks, and the multi colored one is...
Thanks Harry and Weedbender for liking my pictures. I know what you mean by getting pictures of bare branches, it's so frustrating. I have had a...
You guys are both right. Thanks a million Harry for ID'ing the plant for me. I had no luck searching for it. It is definitely the White...
Hi, and thank for the quick response. I understand. The picture upload worked great so I don't need the HTML. I appreciate the help.
Hi and thank you for the response. Researching Tickweed, it seems to be another name for Coreopsis. I don't think this is a coreopsis since what I...
Hi. I'm new to the Forum and, as usual, I am having problems with some of the controls. I would like to use smilies, [img] and html but in the...
Hi. I was hoping someone would recognize this white wildflower that is taking over my yard. It is very prolific with a good majority of the seeds...