Yes, I believe that is it! It's so pretty to me, I guess we're safe on the island as we have water all around us. Nice, thank you very much for...
Hello, there is a gorgeous tree or shrub? in a yard in town. It changes to pink after this green showing in this photo. It is fantastical in the...
Unfortunately they are on both sides (I thought maybe it heated up through the plant?). It is certainly ugly. I guess I'm just looking for the...
Could be from the shock of transplanting it. Check the roots for health first. Next, make sure the soil you are using isn't too compacted so...
I've seen Schultz soil for Aquatic plants available in the US at the Home Garden centers near the pool and pond section. I've also heard this...
Could be fungus gnats or perhaps Thrips larvae? I'm having the same issue in one of my birdsnest ferns and no matter how much neem spray I use,...
Hello, this is a Rhipsalidopsis gaertneri, I've also posted at another gardening forum and one person so far thinks this damage is from the bugs,...
It is producing shoots and it looks to be propagated from a stem cutting. It's growing really well! I'm surprised it's related to my Dracaenas!...
Good day! I used to volunteer at a Botanical Garden at UC Berkeley (not UBC :-)) when I was in 6th and 7th grades! Anyway, I'm sure one of...