Anyone know where I might find a Himalayan Huckleberry (vaccinium glauco-album) in the Lower Mainland/Vancouver area?
Ron, I took out a couple of garden books from the library today including the one by the Grants. It looks interesting so thanks for mentioning...
Ron, thanks for the reference. Actually, I have finally studied the soil and sun exposure for a couple of areas in my garden and have realized...
Sabine, I hadn't considered shrubby herbs; but, you make a good point. I have quite a bit of lavender growing in another part of the yard, beside...
Ron, thanks for some more helpful advice. I think my challenge is that this full sun area seems to be a little hotter than a normal woodland...
As mentioned in another thread, I just purchased the rhodo Honourable Jean Marie de Montague for the site. I am also still considering an...
Ron, thanks very much for the quick summary. It was very helpful as beforehand I was moving in the zonal/pocket direction. Lily, I will take...
Lily, I just bought the same rhodo yesterday. The planting guide suggests it will grow to 5' which I understand should be the height in about...
Growest, thanks for the response. Since I am not alone with the Escallonia problem perhaps my problem may not be related to the soil. It was...
I am hoping I might be able to get some advice on plants I might add to a problem area in my garden. The area is in the south to southeastern...
Hey Dee, I may not have communicated clearly in my earlier post. The area gets sun. There is sun from about 10 until just after 2 in the summer...
Well, I looked into some of the recommendations. I was overwhelmed by the pics of Ceanothus. It looks beautiful and would be perfect for Spot B....
Oscar, thanks again for helpful assistance. Westcoastgarden, I wasn't aware of either shrub so I will check into these. Thank you both.