Thanks Eric!!!
Hi, I'm looking for an easy way to differentiate Columnea sp. from notably Aeschnanthus speciosus. Any ideas? The more striking, the better. I...
Thanks! I was thinking that I'd coerced a Euphorbia milli to foliate by misting it once. Guess my memory is faulty!!
I've had bad experiences with these. They like to be misted with cool water, but apparently not right out of the tap, because I hosed them down...
Hi, Is there a way to get Euphorbia trigona to generate leaves again on older ramifications? Would misting help? Thanks, Mike
Pythium thrives in cool and damp conditions, if it's any help.
You can cut the flowering stem down to about two ramifications(segments). With some luck a new flowering stem will off-shoot from there. It's good...
Of the three additional plants you need identifying in respect to the middle picture : The plant in the back is a Sansevieria and hanging in the...
One thing I've learned form this is that it's very sensitive. The leafage although it looks hardy went from a rubbery turgescent green to a mellow...
The pot is fine, but I brought it closer to the window. Being in a solarium I figured the morning sun would suffice, due to abundant radiant...
Thanks! Glad to be here. Yes, it's most definitely an Elephant ear plant. I've got it in the right setting. It's in a solarium and receives...
I can'T seem to remember the name of this plant? It's preventing me form looking it up and I have a feeling I'm not giving it proper exposure. Any...