Thank you, looking at the pic, I'm thinking ADENIUM ABESUM by I can only go by the few leaves I get every so often as I've never had it flower. I...
ok I'm thinking a Guzmania sanguinea by looking at pictures, I guess I will place in a bigger pot and then trim away the now dead flower....
Thank you. I was told that orchids like to be in tight (or smaller pots). To me I feel like it needs an upgarde to a larger pot, I am thinking...
this is the first plant that the picture in my first post is not showing before [ATTACH] Now [ATTACH]
I have a few plants that I do not know the name of, and would like to be able to look up care sheets on. The three plants and the first...
The leaves on the weeping fig look like it's on the money. However I have had this tree for 8 or 9 years now on it has yet to grow over 5', it...
I tried to look this up however I have do not have a basis to narrow my search results. I am looking for the name of a small tree, it's most...