sounds good guys. Thanks for all that feedback. I'll let the soil dry out a bit for now, then maybe a couple of sprays of soapy water. Then I'll...
thanks a million Bluewing. will follow that advice and see how we go. Cheers :)
hi guys, thanks for your replies! thats EXACTLY what they are Bluewing. And you are both right, I have been keeping the soil fairly well watered....
yikes, I have a real problem.... I notice recently that my diff is looking a little thin.. usually looks thicker. I was putting water on today...
Thanks guys!! It's really given my great enthusiasm for plants. A joy to watch it grow and change on such a regular basis. Thanks joclyn for that...
Hello again all, Well, its been 18 months since I acquired my Diff and its going great. I have a question though. As you can see inthe...
yep. I agree mandarin. Its growing too lanky/long I think. Not much I can do about the light situation unless I remove the plant from the office....
my word, my prickly pear is growing by the day. you can almost watch its progress. does it need to be pruned or is it all good to let it...
hey Lorax, Thats COOL! They look really impressive in the wild alright. I want my desk to look something like this. :) don't think my employer...
2 more pics... Its doing great and has grown another couple of inches. Its higher than the guide stick now.... alot higher with 2 new leaves about...
hey guys! I would have used plastic forks if I had them at hand to be honest! :) The 40inch green wood plant sticks I bought are working great...
thanks for the initial advice and feedback guys! Yeah it looks alot happier now alright. :) Joclyn, the Dracaena is indeed Janet Criag / Compacta.
hey all, I picked some plant sticks, some soft coated pipe cleaners, and some potting mix... All is right again :) I also picked up a new...