Hi everyone. Well? My maples have been officially kicked out of the house this year. No more germinating for me in the fridge... :( I am seeing...
Hi tiko7, Very beautiful trees with lovely variegation. If they are a grafted variety? Then you are going to be able to see a graft most times....
Hi mary, I was just thinking about your tree again and wanted to add to my comment. It also looks like a perfect opportunity to do an air layer....
Hi mary, Vertrees is awesome info. You only have one more year to wait. What I think is interesting? Is the green growth also has variegation. I...
Thanks everyone for your replies! The other night I spent 4-5 hours reading about fasciation in plants. Very interesting stuff. I also found the...
Hi Andrea, Well? It honestly doesn't look like the waterfall plant I am familiar with anymore. Your unidentified plant's sub-lobes have more of a...
Thanks chimera! It does have growth similar to that. )
Hi Andrea, Yes, the waterfall on the right. I have super high res photos so you can really zoom if you are interested.
This a picture of one of it's variegated sisters.
Hi Andrea, Just a common green palmatum. I knew it was very odd very young. It was one out of about 1000 common seedlings which I grew and...
Check out this odd seedling I found. It's about a 4-5 years old tree now but was set apart and saved early. What it has been doing the past two...