Thanks. Will do.
Can anyone tell me where to buy a Momosa tree in Vancouver?
Yes, we have a large yard and close to the ocean. I was looking for a small to medium size tree that had interesting foliage. I love the leaves on...
Could someone identify this tree for me. It is so beautiful. Thanks.
I would love some help on selecting a hardy small to medium size tree to plant in soil that is not the best. It is between two hedges which are...
I have seen a plant that looks like a red stemmed bamboo but is actually a palm. Can anyone tell me where to buy this plant in Vancouver? Thanks.
Jury's Yellow' belongs to Camellia x williamsii. Where would I find a Donation Camellia in or around Vancouver? Thanks.
My big clump of 7 year old Black Bamboo is yellowing and the leaves are covered underneathith white spots and the leaves are dropping. Could you...