I have started my yellow zucchini plants in my homemade greenhouse in Mar. I have them all in 2 gal. containers and they are growing quite...
thanks so much for your reply - i will try these cucumbers. I bought a variety for container planting - little bush - and will try one cont. in...
I dont have much room for veg. in the garden however I have a small greenhouse. I alsready started my tomatoes, and peppers sfrom seed. How...
I used the pluggs for my tomato seed - and now transplanted them into 4in pots. The ones I planted in mid Feb. now have the second true leaves on...
I would love to have some baby beets fot pickling - however its not easy to find the really small ones- so I thought of growing them ( starting...
Your "novel" was most interesting - and I really thank you for taking the time to write. I learned a lot. I will try to take a few pics. as well...
thanks Jim there is a clematis ( 2 yrs old) next to it - and the flowers have wholes and edges are "eaten" as well....have slug bate at the...
Thanks- easy enough to try- will see what happens- how much did you cover- how high of a mount??
Several of our plants have holes on their leaves- I cannot see any bugs on them- it is not a slug as no trails left on them-one of the plants is a...
Have neglected the rose garden for the last 2 years, and this year decided to try and get all the girls to their original glory.....have been...