Thank you!
Hi, I would like to find out if there's a service that will test the cause of dead plants/trees. I have a pine that mysteriously died all of a...
Thanks everyone, I found out the exact name of the plant, it is Campanula primulifolia.
This plant that kind of looked like a foxglove as seedling turned out to be something else with bluish-star shaped flowers. What is the name of...
Hi Ron. Thank you for response. I'm not completely sure if it is. I based my findings on the PNW Plant Disease management handbook's...
I have found a large dark area near the base of my Alder tree. The bark is splitting in this area and falling off. I'm wondering if I should...
Hello, I was stumped when I saw this tree/shrub. Is it a conifer? Please help with the ID. Thanks, Maricela
Yes, I think you have it correct. Or, at least it definitely looks like it. Thanks so much! -Maricela
Hello, Mushroom hunting today under coast live oak today. I found these under oak duff. Are they cantherellus cibarius? -Maricela...
Thanks Ron. I would have to agree that it might be a willow. Thanks for your help!