Thank you for helping me figure out what the second plant is. The first three pictures are a different plant. That is the one I tasted, not the...
I live in Daytona Florida. The first 3 pics are the same plant. The last one pic with the yellow berries is a different plant. You don't have...
hello, I've been having a busy summer, i went to camp for three weeks and just came back from two weeks in Wisconsin so i haven't been able to...
since i live in Vermont i can't keep any tropicals outside. I'm also 18 so i don't even have a greenhouse and can only own a limited amount of...
lychee trees need a soil that is not too dense, mostly peat moss, forest soil, and some sand works well, my lychee has garden soil mixed with...
my mangosteen is doing well, it grew two new leaves, it is not that hard to keep alive, personally i think a lychee tree is harder to take care of
Hi lorax wow! this plant is fussy, it is amazing how they still exist. i ordered a mangosteen just a little while ago and made a little humidity...
Thank you so much for the info lorax, i am planning on ordering a mangosteen but i am having difficulty dealing with the fact that it needs so...
Those plants are very hard to grow
how far should i have the plant away from the light?
i have a potted indoor goji plant in very well drained soil with 1/4 sand and 3/4 peat moss and some worm castings. this plant stays indoors and...
there is a pest attacking my lychee tree and i do not know what it is. this pest is very small and is very white and cottony, i try to scrape all...