My local garden centre could not identify the pests (not leaf miners, and their best guess was moth larvae), but they did say that my home is too...
If I look closely I can see the worms on the leaves of the affected plants–definitely not aphids. They are so so tiny though, I don't know how I...
Hi, I spent a fair amount of time and money (for me at least) making a variety of planters for my garden. It was a rental house so I wanted to be...
Did I do something wrong in my request?
Hello, looking for ID help! Photographed this plant in the Conservatory of Flowers, Golden Gate Park. Sadly didn't get any identification marker...
Hi everyone, This climbing plant in an orangery in Cheshire is eluding identification. It doesn't help that I can't figure out the type of...
Thank you, Silver surfer! Looks right to me.
Hi all, the identification for this one is really bugging me. It looks so familiar and I feel that I should know it! After a fair amount of...
Thanks, tried finding a species for that genus, not successful yet. Could it be a Rhigozum?
I need the ID of a plant that grows well in sandveld in South Africa. I did research there and I'm pretty sure that the plant is part of a...