my lemon tree is outside I live in southern calfornia
Hello its me again. this is my last post. I also have a wonderful fig tree. When I purchased all these trees they were in great shape. Once I...
I dont think its a green thumb for me this year LOL. No really I have grown before but this year I am having trouble, why I dont know at all....
Hello, Oh boy I sure do not knowwhat to do for my poor baby lemon tree I just planted a few weeks ago. It was doing well for a very short time...
I got this really nice dwart lemon tree and it has not been good for it. The reason why is when new leaves are growing on the top, bugs are eating...
Bugs are killing my blue chinese wisteria Can you help me? This plant or vine was dorng really well for 1/2 of year and then all a sudden I saw...