Hello Daniel, Did you have a sister in the Landscape Architecture Department ? On another subject related to the Myrica growing from seed; three...
Yes, thank you Daniel, great articles, it was Dr. Worrall in Forestry well dendrology who loved the relationship with pines and Clark's nutcrackers.
Here is an example of a plant that will ONLY germinate going through an animals digestive track: Animals that eat seeds also disperse the seeds...
Hi there Sundrop...not that I need to convince you, just a little research will lead you to the same conclusion. Research the Clark's nutcracker...
“The hard seeds of our native raspberries and blackberries need to be abraded in a bird’s gizzard or eroded by digestive acids before water and...
Yes, I am aware, thank you. I was always in contact with Peter through the years with questions, I was devastated. It was a tough year for the...
Thank you for replying Daniel, I started to think I was in never never land....my 4,500 seeds have been cleaned of waxy coating just by soaking in...
hello there fellow botanical enthusiasts, I live in Ucluelet B.C. and would like to start propagating the Pacific Wax Myrtle, Myrica californica...