I'm sure that it's not an echeveria amoena ...
hi, I'm still ooking for an id for one of mu succulents. you can find a picture in this album : http://www.mijnalbum.be/Album=QN6BXMC3 it's foto...
ok, thought that was strange, thus the question :) thanx for the replies !
ok, I will :) another questioon : someone told me to put my cacti in a dark room over the winter ... is that info correct?
I have a lot of non-hallucinogenic cacti too ;), it started with these though :p can you tell me what I'm doing wrong? very new at this, I give...
n° 1 could be aloe distans n° 14 could be euphorbia flanaganii what do you guys think?
I don't see any cactus ... the one in the front and the one on the right are types of echeveria. to find the exact name you can check these...
oh yes ... I found n° 5 on another forum too :) mammillaria polythele (nudum) and n° 7 : agave filifera
thanx a lot for the help!
here is a link to an album where you can look at them one by one, and with out wating for it to load : http://www.mijnalbum.be/Album=KCVU8J3N...
this is what i know by now (thanx to thenook.org): t. brisgesii t. pachanoi t. peruvianus t. ? t. pachanoi (typical ecuador/peru var.) t....
the number 2 just grows like that i guess, don't think there's anything wrong with it ... anyway, thanx for the replies so far :) here is a link...
ok ... what kind of echinopsis? :)
1: http://www.mijnalbum.be/GroteFoto-C3GQ3MFZ.jpg 2: http://www.mijnalbum.be/GroteFoto-SZH6K8JW.jpg...