That is so awesome
Thanks that’s the picture of it new. I dont have a recent one today. I think repot is the answer it’s been a number of years.
Well I’ll send some pictures of mine that are not a beautiful as they once were. For example my profile picture of the red dragon next to my...
Thanks Alain. Im having issues. I’m finding some of my maples appear sparse not sure if it’s weather or some sort of disease I’m just not looking...
Hey has anyone lost any maples over this past winter. I lost 3! And have 4 that I hope to nurse back to health. Unfortunately we had a fence...
Omg that is just beautiful
It does have a drainage hole one but larger. Let’s see how it does. This is the first time I’ve added so much water. It’s typically very dry. The...
Thanks you I’m sorry I’m not familiar with leaf senescence. The soil is typically dry and crumbly more than an inch. I just gave it a deeper...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Hi there I have what I’ve been told is a ponytail palm. I rescued it from work in...
Both of those are just stunning
Crimson Queen - really love the two tone this ones presents. I’ve always seen crimson queen to be entirely red but this one just can’t stay that...
Thanks everyone we are really enjoying it. I’m watching it closely it appears like it prefers more water than the average maple those tiny leaves...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] This tree is labelled Orion. I’ve seen many out here labelled the same but I feel like it’s not a true Orion similar...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Moonrise has really become such a fun tree it really adds that beauty that makes the garden so lovely.