Thank you for all the info and photos!
It is in a south facing window but next to a portable air conditioner that is new, so not sure if that's affecting it. Should I prune it to...
Ok thank you for the advice
My jade plant was getting top heavy and slight leaning but was still looking fine, yesterday I tied the branches to help it be more upright....
Thanks for the tip on pH Puddleton I don't have lime/dolomite handy but seed starter mix I am using has lime in it and I checked the pH and it...
Thanks Acerholic! I deleted my recent question because I reread your initial answer after I posted...basically that whole root system is likely...
Thank you both! Acerholic, would potting soil for succulents meet the criteria for very gritty compost? I will need to buy hormone rooting...
I planted two dianthus in containers and water very infrequently- one is blooming and flowers look nice but both are turning yellow in center,...
Thanks for the advice Your garden looks very nice! I have the bloom struck version
Thank you for the info! The container is 16 inches diameter. Have a drip tray and caddy to move it around wrt to sun/shade
Container gardening, North Vancouver, southwest balcony I am preparing to plant this endless summer bloom struck Hydrangea macrophylla into the...
Thank you so much Acerholic, Margot and Georgia Strait I used the "container complete" version of brand name Sea Soil which is a local product....