I haven't tried them but there is a website californiamycorrhiza.com that has a product called rhodovit. Apparently it is possible to take soil...
Nearly every source of information about growing blueberries insists that they need to have acid soil. Yet I've seen blueberries grow and produce...
Does anyone have experience with inoculating blueberries with mycorrhizae? Apparently this is what makes blueberries and other ericaceae able to...
I was thinking of putting a temporary fence around the area I use for dumping and putting my chickens in there. They can eat whatever they want...
Trench composting is not what I meant. What I'm talking about is just putting the waste directly on the surface and tilling it in. I understand...
Sorry for using a such a vague word. By "normal" I mean the more common practice of collecting the materials above ground and allowing it to...
vitog, Thanks so much for the info. It is amazing what a confidence boost I get from just one person endorsing what I'm afraid is another one...
I find making compost to be a bit of a nuisance but I do believe there are advantages to adding organic matter to my vegetable garden. I'm...
I have a large amount of strawberries (June bearing and ever-bearing) that I need to move to a new location. Does anyone have experience...
Hi people, I planted garlic out in the garden on Oct 5 and it is beginning to pop up already. Did I plant it too early and will it be damaged by...