This plant was found in a freshwater wetland in duneland area in Amagansett, NY. on eastern Long Island. The seed pods are long and slender.
Yes, I purchased the seeds from a seed company on line. The packet must have had the rogue hybrid seed. It seems unlikey that a seed that wintered...
I saw a picture on a blog that looked like my squash- she said it was a zucchini/butternut squash hybrid. I read that zucchini and pumpkins...
I planted several butternut squash from seed. They came up, grew prolifically as squash vines do, and started producing squashes. I didn't pay...
We went to remove the plants today. Thousands!! We did manage to remove all the plants that were blossoming or had blossomed. We found three...
here is one of the seed heads from last year and new growth this year.
I will be going out on Thursday for removal of this plant. I will try and get better pictures. But I will post what I have.
This is causing quite a stir in our community. We know it is non-native. Some botanists looked at the pics and thought L vulgare. That's what we...
limonium algarvense?
It may be awhile before the blossoms but I did take a picture of the seed heads and a stalk that will have the flowers -- hope this helps
Yes- I will go back and take some pics.
I found this plant and about a dozen others that had been planted close to the water. ( So I imagine they were purchased) .The body of water is...