milky purple coolness and warmth at the same time
purple texture... there is that purple again (i am working my way backwards through the images in temporal sequence that is...) and the texture...
purple evocative in mexico and greece it is the color of death elsewhere a color of religion, aristocracy or soothing spirituality...and...
creme cream smooth yummy delicious mmmmmmmmmm!
crop? why did you add the cropped version?
sun god sun god, Ra
orchid fusion one of the inner parts of the mandala that is rounded makes me think of the anther caps of orchid flowers! rose meets orchid =...
associations paper, origami the color makes me think of change...
cliched response but the first mandala is vaginal and the third is so round that after my first association, it makes me think of a breast....
Divine Abyss the center is the abyss and the color of hydrangeas has always soothed and delighted me since i was very young. the scary thing is,...
Alan Watts BillofNYC, can you say a little about why you use almost exclusively Alan Watts for your quotes? What does he mean to you and who...
cool associations...and a recipe this one makes me think of cool white linen shirts and India...and then the green core makes me think of...
color manipulations wow indeed. i was shocked to see the mandala not carry the color of the original - and frankly i prefer where the mandala...