that would make a lot of sence. plants need co2 like we need o2.
I may be way off base, but I would like to suggest a Syngonium sp. (aka an arrow head, aka white butterfly. I have one that I placed next to my...
ok after looking some more with all of you help, I have determined that it is the ardisia crenata aka coralberry. this dose how ever leade me to...
I guess that make since. I never thought about any of it that way.
Sure same thing. I was just wondering if there is any truth to them, or if there may be any scientific basis.
I have heard a few diffrent wise tales when it comes to plants. I have recently begun wondering if they have any truth to them. 1. Plants grow...
That is pretty neat. A friend of mine had a very small venus fly trap and it moved very quickly.
Thank you Joe. I am not sure if you are correct or not. The leaves in the Ardisia family look very close if not identical but this plant has never...
Hello. I am very new to raising plants. I have tried many times and failed for one reason or another. In the past the only thing I didn't kill was...