i understand your discussion with the pro .. and defer to his knowledge based ONLY on your statement of his knowledge.. since i dont know him .......
hey it was easier than expected.. go figure .... this plant is in near full sun .... OK.. its a big soccer ball ... lol .. regardless.....
link to ACS database: http://www.coniferbase.com/conifer_db/ add SNOW tot eh cultivar line .... the first pic is extreme at the ACS ........
now .... why are your potted conifers dying .... besides the fact that you think they are all PINEs ... lol ...couldnt help myself.. how long...
its a tree.. aka conifer .... it should have been left outdoors for winter .... they do just fine in my z5 MI .... there is no reason it should...
a cut tree ??? if cut, recycle it .... it will not root .... or does it have roots on it ??? if it has roots ... i would place it outdoors......
no liz.. i was replying to the OP.. rosslyn.. in SE ontario ... which i understand to be akin to windsor, toronto ... etc .... all my friends...
are you in z5 or 6???? regardless ... wrapping in burlap for the first year or two.. is fine ... since there was root interference.. and the...
agreed ron .. and if you are going to do that.. may as well apply it to the lawn ... and do both at the same time ... since that is probably were...
IF IT WERE ME .... i would see what spring flush does ... and in mid summer.. i would just take some hand shears and remove the remaining...
hi peeps ... all conifers eventually shed needles... INTERIOR browning is normal .... due to age.. and shading by the growth tips ... when...