Hello and welcome. I am new here too and also will be posting pictures as soon as I can. From what I've seen here it is a wonderful and helpful...
I have a few trees in my garden including Holm oak. I was able to save these trees when I first built my house 4 years ago-As they were already...
Thank you for the warm welcome-As I mentioned,Iam new to gardening but find it the most amazing and rewarding hobby that I have ,also I am so...
Hi, my name is Keith ,I live on the south coast of Ireland . I am 40 years old and live in the countryside with my wife and son.I am fairly...
Hi, About six weeks ago I planted about 20 Aucuba japonica'Golden King'-spotted Laurels.The above seasonal rainfall in Ireland seems to have...
Hi Aaron, I am new here too-looks like a good site, regards,,,,keith