My understanding in that the Acer x freemanii hybrids have inherited the best of each parent (Acer rubrum & Acer saccharinum). The leaf shape and...
Hi Maggie, We normally have these trees in stock (we did several weeks ago, before I went out for achilles tendon surgery). More than likely we...
I had to update 'Sango kaku' & fall color. I was pruning a client's tree today that is a wonderful mix of bright golds, apricots, and oranges. The...
No, they are all grafted onto species palmatum rootstock.
Hello Neko, Regarding the quality of color change in 'Sango kaku', mine at home rarely goes past golden yellow, occasionally into a very soft...
Some twig dieback is fairly normal among dissectums. Since you mentioned this is happening primarily with lower branches, I agree that...
'Ichigyoji' seems like a pretty good bet. Here is a photo link:
Is it absolutely necessary to prune Japanese maples? No. Do we prune them to accentuate their form? Yes. I prune maples for a living, and...
Brown tips can be indicative of a few things: 1. wind burn 2. too little water (often with tips turned under) 3. too much water (often with...
I am the new Japanese Maple buyer for a retail nursery in Menlo Park, CA. I hope I can help you pin down the identity of your mystery maple. I...