I am pretty sure it is the Polylepis australis. When the leaves are more fully out I will post another photo.
Oh Thank you. That looks very close. The leaves that are just coming out look a little fuzzy and may change to something more shiny.
I saw this interesting curling maple small tree, about 10 foot high.It is just starting to leaf out and it has small fuzzy leaves that are in an...
Thank you so much. I think this is what we have going on in our holly.
Thank you Ron. I will take a close look at the leaves and branches.
It is a couple of years since this post but I would like to know how your holly is fairing. Ours seems to lose it leaves when a swarm of sparrows...
So happy. Thank you Tyrlych for the ID. A number of us also had no luck in all our searches. And many thanks Silver Surfer for all the additional...
Sorry. I wasn't sure how that worked. Thank you.
Thank you again Daniel. I have sent him an email.
Thank you Daniel. We thought perhaps a Ligularia but unable to match up that root! I so appreciate your reply.
Thanks for your tip about Pitt Lake. Sounds awesome.
We have found this growing in a perennial bed in Victoria. Approx. 40 inches tall, small yellow tubular flowers, rhizome tuberous root much like a...