oh thanks alot :) that sounds right with the little worms and the very small mite like bugs. seems like there is no imediate threat and that...
dose no one elce know what these worms are? or even if you dont know what they are what opctions do i have in ways of getting rid of them, as even...
ok thanks for the help katalina its much apreaciated :) i just hope someone can tell me what to do, or even better that they are not a problem at all.
[ATTACH] this is the little worm i was on about its very small and my camera dident want to take a pic of it that close so i used my phone. its...
im prity sure it isent them as they seem to be alot wider compaired to the worms i have in the soil. ill try and learn how to upload a photo onto...
i read a little about nematodes, are they not so small that you cant see them with your naked eye? and kotasek i will try and take some photos...
i have done a little digging around in my lemon trees soil and i came across some small but looked like normal earthworms, but i also found some...
Hi everyone, this is my first post but i have been reading quite abit around this section. i am wondering if my plant is getting enough light i...