Hi, I am looking for a home for my three Bonsai birch trees. I started them from seed in 2001 and trained them as good as possible. You can see...
Is it still early enough to plant a cover crop of hairy vetch right now. I am not quite sure what to expect? My other option is to keep adding...
Thx for the tips. After some more investigation I determined that the caterpillars are Cabbage Loopers and the beetle was a ground beetle. I hope...
Hi, I have had great success so far growing spinach, kale, radish, salads and Swiss chard in my raised garden beds. But recently I have found...
I think that I will go for the high content mushroom manure soil, test the Ph and then adjust it accordingly. I am ultimately planning to build up...
I couldn't google anything about night soil and fraser richmond soils, but I will give them a call tomorrow. It looks like they supply some of the...
Hi, I have just built two raised garden beds and I am now looking into getting garden soil delivered. Being somewhat new to gardening I am...
Hi, I am looking for buckwheat and vetch seeds, but so far had no luck finding either one in the general garden stores. Can anyone point me...