Thanks, that was very speedy! Just for future people, if they have the same question, this is Rubus pedatus, or the strawberryleaf raspberry....
Hello! I was hiking this weekend (Sept 12) in the Cascade mountains between 5000 and 7000 feet, and ran across this tiny berry. At first I...
That's it! Thanks Ron, did you know that from experience or do you have some secret book or website of plant identification that you use?...
Fingers crossed - I know the experts are out there... but are they paying attention? :)
I initially thought it might be a gooseberry, but it is much larger than any gooseberry or kiwi I know. It is also not furry at all. And I think...
Hello! I searched for hours and got nowhere, looking through plant ID charts and other websites. This is a plant that I found Near Issaquah in...