Thank you for your help Hortiphoto.
These two plants are in a friend's garden in Italy. We need help in identifying them. Thank you.
leaf no. 2 and the last flower might belong together - plumeria. but am not very sure.
1. ?? 2. a type of Deutzia
1. Philodendron 2. Zamioculcas 3. ??
Spot on. Finally, I have a name for it and can check pruning advice etc. Many thanks Ron B.
may I ask your help in ID-ing this tree? (i need it to check on care tips for this tree). thanks.
are they fruit trees?
Thanks hortiphoto.
So, is it A. platanoides? or A. cappadocicum? :) Here´s a pic of the tree-
wow! That looked like a perfect match. Thanks for the help.
Pls help ID this tree. Thanks.