Well, 2 years after this post, my tree does not look very fine. The hard winter made our local rabbits creative when it came to food sources, so...
Well, the best autumn red in my garden is Osakazuki. My Bloodgood is the same dull dark-red/brown as the rest of the year, dependable, but nothing...
I use a normal plastic bag, and havent worried about disturbing the seeds. I check them once a week after 3 months, and just tip the whole...
I´ve used sphagnum moss, and havent had any problems with fungus yet. I dont even bother taking them out of the fridge until they have already...
Re: Assistance or advice required I would stratify them in the refrigerator for 90-120 days, checking every week for white tails, and whenever...
Then they might have sold you a seedling, and I would suggest that you go back and ask them for a discount, because the price should definitely be...
Is there any trace of a graft union on the tree?
Well, I bought a very similar plant a month ago for 250 SEK, something like 30 usd, and thought I made a pretty good buy.
This thread http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/showthread.php?t=51909 has an interesting discussion on atropurpureum as well as some...
Good thread, the one in the FAQ. I was leaning towards re-potting this fall, but didnt know if there was some special care needed when its...
Ok. Is it better to put them in a raised bed with mulch around, or just in my normal clay? Then another question, some of the pots have several...
Hello, I have a bunch of Acer Palmatum seedlings that germinated this spring, and I wonder if someone give some advice about the best winter...
I have a similar idea, i.e. to raise seedlings as understock, because I cant find any source for seedlings anywhere close to me. I planted my...
Re: Japanese Maple in Houston, Can it be done "Nanna" or "Nana"?