I zoomed in on the foliage close up I took and yes, I can see the same gland as in your photograph. Thanks to everyone who helped out with this...
Michael, I agree that the leaves and what was left of the flower both point to Ailanthus. I know Ailanthus quite well, and when I think of...
It doesn't seem to have the pimples, just two lobes where the leaf meets the petiole.
Another larger sized close-up.
Thanks Daniel; no resizing required now.
Thanks for your reply Michael, I agree it does look very like Ailanthus but the leaf margins on Ailanthus are much more toothed than this tree...
Hello again, I had to wait until I went to Salt Spring Island again to take more photographs. I was able to get some close up shots of the...
Yes, it does display most of the characteristics of the Phellodendron; what is confusing me is that close up shots of the foliage I have found...
Thank you Mr. Michael; that takes the Gymnocladus out of the running. I have attached a blown up section of the photograph, which I hope shows...
I am trying to identify this tree that I saw on Salt Spring Island. I have gone through my books and the closest I can come to an identification...