And here are two photos of my smaller Amber Ghost, which has been slower out of the gate each year and has shown more adverse effects to being...
Here is my Peaches & Cream on our patio, leafing out nicely but still a ways to go
Here are some leafing out photos of this P&C for the 2019 season, to continue its documentation. I love the young leaf colours, very true to the...
And here is my little Amber Ghost, definitely living up to the amber moniker at the moment
Here is my Acer p. 'Peaches & Cream' which has been constantly evolving since leafing out about 3-4 weeks ago! Started almost fully green with...
Here are some photos of my young Peaches & Cream as of today here in Vancouver BC. It leafed out pretty true to name, with green leaves that had...
Hi folks, I thought this would be well-appreciated here. I don't have 1.7M laying around but if I did......
Good to know, thank you. Aphids were really bad for us this year (I don't know the type), we had to spray a few plants with soap repeatedly all...
Ha! Yes, strata would have something to say about that, these will be going into an irrigated 'trough' along the back of the apartment building....
Thanks for the feedback, that is interesting on the glaucous wax and makes sense with the full-sun trend I've been noticing in my research. Globe...
We currently have columnar yews that we aren't too excited about on our north-facing, but terraced patio. In summer they get near full-sun but in...
Here is a little maple on Hastings near Renfrew I see every day on the way home that catches my eye. Despite the bushy habit, I find this tree...
Thank you, this is the information I was hoping to find. My next re-potting will be much more educated.