Thanks everyone! It is a branch, and none of the other bulges have produced anything. the plant seems to not be affected by the new stem, which...
okay ... could it stay in the pot it is in? or would that be really bad? i'm sad to admit i know practically nothing about this plant except for...
No, it isn't the flash. That's the mysterious growing white thing that i've quieried about in previous replies. It's turning green and getting...
These are new pics, just taken. Bear with me, my camera sucks at close-ups and sometimes goes overboard on the flash. The pics are fuzzy and the...
The white thing is turning greener, and getting larger. i've looked at several sites and asked some other people what is going on, but im still...
thanks for the reply joclyn! i don't think it's bugs. the white stuff lookes jagged and it's very hard to the touch. so far i've been going...
Hey, thanks again. You've been a great help with this plant. I guess it would make sense if it was growing branches ... the pot it's in now is...
The white spot is slightly larger now, though the plant doesn't seem to be affected by it. There is another small bulge forming across the plant...
I was watering my plant today and notice somethin strange. out of a bulge in the trunk, something small and white was coming out. im not sure if...
I replanted it a few days ago, and it seems to be doing well. no leaves are falling off anymore, but none are growing, either. it might take...
The leaves are falling off from the top, which is turning brown and hard. The leaves at the bottom seem fine. The roots seem fine, except that...
My plant needs medium light, moderatly moist soil, and an average warm temperature. I have done all of this, and it grew larger and gained many...