Thank you very much for the lengthy info on blooming trees. I will go to a nursery this weekend and check what they have available. If the options...
Jacaranda mimosifolia looks absolutely beautiful. Now I need to find them over here. Do you have any more suggestions for trees that will bloom...
Thank you for the suggestion with those species of trees. I used to live in Washington, DC, and thought it would be nice to have Sakura grown in...
I am in Bogota and have a couple of properties/ranches/farms at 2600 meters above sea level and at 1600. I am looking to grow seasonal trees, that...
Michael, In general, as this is a new experiment, will seasonal trees grow at all in the topics? We are trying to develop a garden with...
Hello, I am relatively new to this forum. I am interested in growing a seasonal tree (for instance a Sakura Cherry Tree) in the tropics. I am...