Hi guys, Below are the photos of the my lemon tree. A lot of the leaves have fallen off. You can see there are not many left and they are all...
Thanks for your information. I will try your method.
Hi All, Today I just discovered that there are a lot of these dark shell like things scattered all over the branches on my lemon tree. They...
The yellow spherical things are slow release fertilizer. As for the centipedes, so far I have seen about 10 of them. The only thing I am really...
Hi all, I have recently discovered that there are heaps of centipedes in my lemon tree soil. My lemon tree is in a pot on my balcony. I have had...
Thanks for all your advise. I have now moved the tree indoor. Hopefully I can see some growth this year.
I bought and potted a Meyer lemon tree a week and half ago. At the time. it was already bearing small green oval-shape fruits of the size of a...