Thank you for your help... :) I'll work on getting a picture out. I'll be super busy in the next few days since I'm closing on my house but...
Thank you for your help. I think it's in pretty good shape for now. Everyone has been so helpful on this sight. I'm glad I found it!!
Ok, First, what's the pseudobulb? I'm CLUELESS. Second, I'm also a little clueless on how to attach a pict. to this type of e-mail. I can send...
Hello, I'm new to growing orchids. I think I'm treating it pretty good. When I bought it last week, It had 2 long shoots full of flowers and 3...
I'm in central/northern NY. It's only 45 on a "good" day if we're lucky. I plan to get to it ASAP when the weather breaks a little more and I can...
Thank you for your advice. The tree is actually doing good. I'm going to re pot in the spring.
Hi! thanks for your help!! I have been watering it less (in quantity) but more frequently and I think it is doing the trick for now. There are no...
It HAS been years... maybe 3-4 since I have repotted it. It is so big and repotting in the winter would be hard and a huge mess. Is there anything...
Thank you. It wasn't too cold when I moved it, but in the new house we use the fireplace almost constantly. My old house was heated by gas and a...
They're beautiful. You're lucky to be able to grow them. I have bought them for myself and I kill them all eventually! UGH They're in bloom when I...
Help! My tree is about 10 years old and now it is dying! I moved it in November but it has been loosing leaves for about a month and getting...