Attached flower photo
This tree is bearing cherry-size fruit, but I know they aren't cherries. I think they are immature plums, from the look of the tree. Any sure ID...
So it's a Grevillea rosmarinifolia then. Thanks! What about the compost question? Would it be a problem element in a compost pile, or a...
Thanks. I was on here before several years back as "inlander". You all were very helpful back then in identifying several plants on my property....
Possibly - looks like the pic on the Wikipedia article, possibly, but not like the one at The latter is...
My friend has a bush and wants to know what it is and if its leaves will be OK to compost. I have attached two pictures. The samples are...
Bingo! Thanks, Tipularia. The description, pictures, and all fit to a T. Even nicknamed "Stink Net", as well as Globe Chamomile. Asteraceae...
Boy, that's awfully close. It looks like this one does in beginning budding stages, but the scent is definitely NOT pineapple, it's more like...
My family calls it Tansy, but common tansy (tanacetum vulgare) is too flat. This is spherical but slightly oval, in other words elongated...
Can you ID the little yellow globe flowers? The leaves are thin and frilly or lacy. The leaves and stems have a smell reminiscent of tomato...
I think you nailed it. Looks identical to this picture of Gaillardia aristata 'Kobold'. What about the yellow "globe flower"? Another clue:...