It grows easily outside here in Sydney. If you live near the coast in Albania it would be worth trying outside. It grows easily from a cutting, so...
Looks like an Iresine.
Don't think it matters. If it has flowered once it should keep on doing so unless in too much shade.
Leave them alone! Here in Sydney Cliveas take a year after flowering before the fruit are fully ripe, when they will fall off into your hand at a...
I find it hard to believe that among all the experts no-one has a clue about Calatheas. When you managed to identify Cyanastra cordifolium. Oh well!
It is apparently a new introduction here, I hoped perhaps there might be older ones elsewhere to give me an idea of its eventual size. Will wait...
Can't be that, C. makoyana is purple underleaf, and similar but different pattern. Any other ideas?
Looks as if it might soon trunk, and it has a groove in the petiole.
Do people in the northern hemisphere have this 'miniature', bought as Philodendron selloum 'Mighty Atom'? So probably a cultivar of P....
This Calathea will just make it in a warm place outside the hothouse, here in Sydney, although it dies down completely in winter and gets no...
From on old (1966) Sanders Encyclopedia of Gardening (Northern Hemisphere): Soil, ordinary. Position, sunny beds in summer only. Plant May, lift...
Keep up the good work Steve, There a a lot of us who are not experts at all. And will have more questions.
Steve, as a late starter in the game I read your advice avidly, and your explanation of the top layer not being allowed dry out makes a lot of...
There is a good side to this. We grow spathiphyllums in the garden, and being in drought much of the time recently we look on them as coalmine...