Thanks, togata57! Great info! I don't give up easily so will keep on motoring! Great weather here so will plan to do a massive sweep tomorrow...
Hi: I believe the Mealy Bug has infested many of my Hoyas. Little pockets of white cottony piles are discovered between the nooks and crannies...
Thank you, I hesitated to use that word, but that's exactly what I thought! I want to salvage this plant so will be taking the above advice and...
Thank you for your prompt reply.Will do immediately! Hoyagal.
Last spring, I purchased a well- developed hoya from a "big box store". My routine is to drench this plant in the kitchen sink and drain it before...
I also wondered re the moisture and tried to keep it evenly moist. This is my first year with a young, tender Hoya and immediately thought it must...
Many thanks, Marion!
The leaves of my beautiful, new Hoya lacunosa suddenly appeared dry and all shrivalled was handing in my window during the 16 below zero...
Thanks for your swift reply! I'll be watching!
Hello : My single stem cuttings have grown to approximately 6-7 inches, I have cut off the appropriate amount of the tips, brushed the open ends...
Hi Bluewing: I had the four larger pots on the end of my dinning room table, close to an east window, getting perhaps 6 hours bright and direct...