Humour does not have to be suggestive, although some people seem to think so.
Metal reinforcing steel rod for embedding into concrete (tensile strength).
Sorry, Ron B., I did not mean my comments to sound like a complaint, much less one of a "snake oil component", although there is certainly that. I...
Sounds like your municipality needs some lessons in composting. I have never come across compost that was anything other than really good. Ugh....
The worms should make the soil less heavy than it would be if they were not present. They will pull surface organic material down into the...
I suppose the "big" market for garden magazines today is the new gardener and perhaps those that are not too serious about gardening. Therefore,...
I assume the compost was fully composted when it was received (which presumably was October 2006, not 2007). Therefore, I am not sure what the...
I found Horticulture went downhill about 5-6 years ago (if memory serves--might be longer). A recent issue seems to indicate that perhaps it might...
The only way you can tell for sure how much manure to put on is to have a proper soil analysis done. Too many people skip this most important step...
It is irritating a bit. I guess I have gotten used to it and just automatically adjust. What really rankles is seeing a plant that I just love and...
I think you will very much enjoy The Plantsman. I have learned a great deal from it, and I am sure I will continue to do so. I do also enjoy The...
Pick the worms out of the compost? Seriously, you could try a compost sieve, gently, of course. I would think that would work.
No, it wasn't Prof. Rankin, although he may well have been party to the research. The man I heard was/is a nurseryman, I believe. The man could be...
I'm still trying to figure out what we are talking about here, or am I so obtuse I just can't figure it out.
Theftalanus, are you asking if there is a chance that somewhere on this planet there is a plant that has not yet been found/identified?