Thank you Tyrlych. Late lastnight I came across a flower online and yes that is it alright; Caryopteris. I believe it maybe x clandonensis, a...
Thank you Margot! I believe you are correct. Now to just figure out the species. I see there are several that can grow quite as large and...
That is a Campsis but since I am unable to get a real good look at the flower I can not say for sure if it is a C. radicans or a C. grandiflora,...
What about Art Knapps Plantland in Surrey, 4391 King George Blvd. They have acres of plant material and other locations as well. Art Knapp South...
Can anyone please help me identify this sprawling shrub. I can't say for sure of the size because it was coming over the neighbors fence but the...
While understanding I should have taken more photos of leaves and macro I am about to post the pictures I do have of this beautiful little blue...
These blue flowers remind me of anemone
Gorgeous Barb. Good Job! What an eye catching display that is! Beautiful, I just Had to comment.
Hm, yes looks like a build up of salts. Is that a bit of roots I see at the base? I'd be adding more soil to cover those roots up nicely. Assure...
Scale is a pain to deal with but soapy solutions isn't going to do the trick. With or without a toothbrush. Due to their hard shell, scale needs...
Been growing English, French and Spanish Lavender for years In zone 8, in pots and beds. Your Lavender plant is fine. They love full sun and your...
Some similarities indeed. Thank you. Looking into this further now.
More likely. Now just have to wait for it to flower. If you see the big orange trumpet shaped flowers, you have yourself a Campsis radicans.