Call me crazy, but it looks like a Dactylorhiza to me -- they come in white, as well.
It almost looks like a saggy pernettya.
First one looks like Trillium ovatum, third is Oxalis oregana, and fourth looks like Malva 'Zebrina' -- I don't know what the mushroom is...
It really looks like some kind of hellebore...
Re: ID Assistance, Please You know, it looks like a pink diascia with an 'Angelina' sedum behind it, but it's a little hard to tell by this picture.
I have started baobab seeds several times for use as houseplants --they could probably withstand most of our temps, but in my area they are...
I think this is Barklya syringifolia --"goldblossom," or "crown of gold," a small-medium tree from the dry rainforests in the Brisbane area. I...
I have grown several echiums from seed. They are very easy, and I don't have a greenhouse or special conditions here -- I grow everything on...
Arbutus unedo, the strawberry tree.
It does look more like a Sechium edule. Makes sense if it has only one seed.
It looks like a couple of bitter melons --not mature yet...there are many many different kinds and they are very popular in India. Momordica...
Even though the heart-shaped leaves aren't visible -- this LOOKs like a European version of frogbit -- I know its native range includes Asia, and...
magnolia pod?
Those are pictures of Hebes. There are zillions (scientific term) of Hebes, with purple, pink, or white flowers. You could google Hebe and look...
I've seen Viburnum lantana (Wayfaring Tree) in a variegated version, and this looks a great deal like that. They bloom later in the spring and...