Can anyone tell me what kind of plant this is?
One of the new branches of my ZZ plant just broke off at the base this morning. Maybe it was just too tall and heavy and broke. Is this common?...
Wow, that was a fast reply. Thanks so much, tipularia.
Some anonymous person put this plant with my plants on the roof of my building, so I've adopted it. Can someone tell me what this plant is and a...
SUCCESS!!! ....... Thanks so much, Joclyn. I followed your advice and was able to pull the plastic pot out of the ceramic pot. (It wasn't easy,...
Thanks for the ID and advice..... I don't know if the plastic pot has holes in the bottom. It's really jammed tightly in the ceramic piece....
I have another mystery plant here that needs ID. It was given to me in this pot -- a plastic pot stuck inside of a ceramic pot with no drainage...
Marion, I think you're right about it being a Peperomia. I believe it's a P. orba to be exact. Thanks everyone for all your help. Helen
Thanks to everyone for helping me try to identify this plant(s). I've attached another photo from a different angle. I think the tall leggy...
I acquired a mystery plant from a neighbor who moved. I've attached a photo of the plant, hoping someone can identify it. There seem to be 3...