Couldn't agree with you more, Mister Green. There's nothing better then harvest fresh out of your backyard. These prawns are really sweet! Back...
It's spot prawn season here in BC. I've been bbq-ing them with the shell on and just eating them plain like that. No salt or seasoning. I was...
I'm the same with Terry. We stop harvesting the shoots once it's smaller then a pencil. Let the fern grow and keep it weed free. I used spent...
Do you have a lawn trimmer? You can put the leaves in a large garbage bin and use the lawn trimmer to break down the leaves in there.
I always thought you put used coffee ground in the garden, not the unbrewed ones. The brewed coffee ground also has relatively neutral ph from...
Nice! We have a similar plan here in Vancouver also. I acutally made one bed using compost only. And I have the nicest rose bush in that bed!
I always thought the scapes are the flowering buds, not the leaves. It's the bud that I see at farmer's market, not the leaves. You would want to...
You need a BIG pot. I've used 5 gallon pots with great results. Here in Vancouver, it's safe to plant them outside on the May long weekend. I'm...
Does anyone know a local source (vancouver) for these strawberries? Thanks, Helen
I found them on West Coast Seeds... good luck!
City compost is fine. No weed seeds left what so ever. The temperature of the city compost gets so hot that all weeds and disease are killed. No...
I just went to Garden Works on Monday and picked up 10 plants for $5.00. Got Fort Lanimire? It's supposed to be ever-bearing and it was one of the...
During the month of May, vancouver residents can go and get as much of this compost as you want. Just bring an ID with your address on it. I love...