Good tips in here. I just started keeping a hummingbird feeder this winter and have enjoyed watching the birds visit.
I love Western sword fern and mahonia as well. Reminds me of the forested half-acre surrounding my childhood home - I think those childhood plants...
I don't have first-hand experience with either of these - thanks for helping to broaden my horizons :)
I love our native huckleberry as well :) Will definitely consider this for my front garden as I'd love include more native and edible plants. Thanks!
I'm finally ripping out the sad lawn in my front yard and boulevard, and am designing a garden for this small, part-shade space. I'm not so much...
I had no idea Brazil nut trees were so important to cooling the Amazon (or that they were so tall). Thanks for sharing this informative (and...
I've used Lawnboy a few times and been happy with their garden mix.